Get Source Code of Webpage

Get Source Code of Webpage

Enter a URL

About Get Source Code of Webpage

You can view the HTML source code of any webpage using various tools, even your web browser itself. However, this is a little difficult on Android and iOS phones. The source code is the programming behind any webpage, or software. In case of websites, this code can be viewed by anyone. This tool can be used to see how features of a web page work by examining the source code. Using this tool, you can view the HTML source code of a web site before your browser parses it. Check to see if your competitors are using any tricks or use it to source code of pages that use redirection.


What is a Website Page Snooper?

Sapnaaz Elite Tools offers you a website page snooper tool which you can use to view page source online of your own website or website of your competitor. This tool displays the website source code which you can use to review the code carefully. At times you feel the need to keep an eye on one of your online rivals. This requires you to have a deeper look into the source code of a website which has now become easier than ever before. Now, you can view a code profoundly and see how precisely it is structured. Go ahead! Now that you know the secret punch, you can beat your rivals. Keeping in consideration the scenario mentioned above, we felt the need to develop a tool that is capable of allowing you to spy on the code of any of your competitor websites. So who is it you want to spy today? This super handy website page snooper offered by Sapnaaz Elite Tools enables you just to enter the URL of the website, and you will get the entire HTML source. Examining an entire source code can be hard to decipher an entire code; therefore, it is recommended to open an individual page and note the points of significance.

Why is this Source Code of Webpage tool used by SEO people and website owners?

In certain cases, you may want to view the source of a website page, especially in some cases when you need to know the source of this specific website page. Some pages won’t let you allow doing that, but the Source Code Viewer will help you see exactly the source code without any hassles. Website owners and marketers looking to see the source code would want to check the manner in which the features of a specific URL can be view by looking into and checking the source code.
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