Free Online XML Sitemap Generator

XML Sitemap Generator

Enter a domain name

Modified date
Change frequency
Default priority
How many pages do I need to crawl?

Links Found: 0


About XML Sitemap Generator

You want to locate the content of your website and need to understand where the content has been published on your website consistent with the categories, that’s where comes the utilization of XML sitemap generator. It acts sort of like a real map that will tell you about every location. It also identifies the various categories of properties in several locations, presumably to be hotels, apartments, various businesses, and more.

The same case is with XML sitemap generators, they will easily recognize multiple sorts of data like image content, video content, text content, and more. It also categorizes the info consistent with the recognized types.

Web crawlers are wont to identify the info and extract it from your website. It also tells the program that which data is most vital on your website. The recommended website to use this tool is, you’ll get an in-depth report of your website using this website.


How to use XML Site map generator?

The use of XML Sitemap Generator may be a bit complex and requires some technical knowledge, but after browsing this guide you'd be ready to use this tool easily.

Step 1: Visit, you'll be directed to the tool by clicking on this like. If you're visiting from Google search so you only need to select XML sitemap generator after having a visit to the present website.

Step 2: You’ll see multiple vacant dialogue boxes on the screen, they might be of a website name, modified date, change frequency, default priority, and therefore the number of pages you would like to crawl.

Step 3: firstly, you've got to enter the name of your website within the respective box, the name is typically within the format of and typically be found within the web address bar of your program 

Step 4: within the very next box you've got to enter the modified date of your website, if it’s a current date just select the respective option or after selecting a custom date option, write that specific date within the next given box.

Step 5: After writing the modified date you've got to pick the change frequency of your website, it might be hourly, monthly, weekly, or the other specified time.

Step 6: Select your preferred default priority from the given choices.

Step 7: within the last step, you've got to pick the number of pages you would like to crawl on your website and extract the info from.

Step 8: You’re almost to get the sitemap for your website, just hit the submit button and await the magic to happen, your sitemap is here- you’ll receive a message with a sitemap of your website.



Well, because the use of all the tools saves your precious time so we won’t be discussing it again here.

The use of the XML site map generator tool becomes really important when your website contains tons of content that can’t be categorized manually. It helps you by not only categorizing the content but also tells you the knowledge of the entire website and allow you to know the situation of every piece of data on your website. Web Hosting $3.95